Banana Caramel Cacao Cookies

We made these incredible banana caramel cookies by Dani's Healthy Eats and they are just as good as they sound. A great little snack to have in the freezer. The almond vanilla cookie base is so simple, but full of crunch and flavour. And don't get us started on the banana caramel!! Oh wow, even if you make this element alone you're in for a treat. But of course, dipping it all in melted nibbed cacao is the piece de resistance, adding a nice crisp outer layer of chocolatey goodness.
- 1 cup almond flour
- 3 tbsp maple syrup
- 2 tbsp coconut oil melted
- 1 tsp vanilla
Banana Caramel
1 1/2 super ripe bananas (TIP: if you don't have ripe bananas stick them in the oven for a few mins @ 180° and they'll blacken / ripen)
4 tbsp coconut sugar
1/3 cup canned coconut milk (the top thick coconut part, not the watery part - save that coconut water for a smoothie)
1/2 tsp vanilla
pinch sea salt
Cacao coating
60g nibbed cacao (chopped)
1-2 tbsp coconut sugar
- 1 tbsp coconut oil
- In a blender, whizz up the banana caramel ingredients until smooth. Pour into a saucepan and heat on medium heat to bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 15 mins until it begins to thicken.
- In a bowl, mix the cookie ingredients together until a dough forms. Roll into balls and flatten onto lined parchment paper on an oven tray.
- Bake at 160° for 15 or so minutes, until the edges begin to golden. Let cool.
- Add a dollop of the banana caramel to the tops of the cooled cookies.
- Place in the freezer to allow it to firm up a bit, so you can dip them in the melted chocolate – about 15 mins.
- Melt the cacao and coconut oil in a bowl, placed in a sauced with water (make sure the bowl isn't touching the water). Once melted, stir in the coconut sugar.
- Dip the cookie into the chocolate and return to the tray.
- Place in the freezer until ready to eat!